(Sh. Ramfal Sharma, Sh. Mithlesh saini, Sh. L. S. Verma, Sh. Shanti S. Sharma, Sh. Bheemsen)
One hundred forty seven Future Teachers i.e. B.Ed. and D.Ed. students participated in the training programme. Various activities were performed in this camp.They were taught:-
B. Importance of Scouting
C. Need and utility of Scouting in our Country.
D. Uniform: - How to wear the uniform properly.
E. Knotting: - Reaf Knott, Clove Hitch, timber Hitch and Sheet band etc.
F. How to build a tent.
G. The scouts and guides were taught that cleanliness is next to God.
The flag ceremony was shown to the participant, Motto of scouting, importance of scouting and its utility and application of scouting in the life of the people of our great country. Seguir leyendo...